
David is married

Here I am, comfortably sitting in my apartment, jammin’ to tunes on Rhapsody, and working on while my 11 family members are fighting airlines trying to get home to PA. Their flight home this morning was canceled and it’s been a crazy race home ever since then. Dan text-messaged me a couple minutes ago saying they’re now in NC (how’d they end up there?!) and will arrive in PA around 2:30 AM. lol! Wow, that stinks for you guys!

But anyway, I’ve been gone in the Houston area since Thursday. It was a fun time hanging out with family, meeting Adrienne’s family and friends, and preparing for the wedding. We were all a little unprepared for the massive heat/humidity blast, but we survived like the troopers we obviously are. There’s a lot to tell about the week, so I’ll just hit the events that were highlights for me.

I definitely enjoyed the bachlor party on Saturday. We didn’t do anything big or huge due to the impossible and ever-changing schedule for the weekend. We ended up taking off after the rehersal dinner to Go-kart Raceway, a big outdoor go-kart race track. I was finally able to drive the way I’ve always wanted to but can’t since I actually have to pay for any repairs on my personal car. The souped-up honda engines on the karts were pretty decent and worked really well with pealing out, fishtailing around turns, spinning 180’s and 360’s, and even a little bumping. We also played a lot of billiards and the most violent games of air-hockey I’ve ever played. I even came out with some battle wounds on the knuckles! :o Other couples were there romantically playing calm games of air-hockey and then there’s our group yelling and pounding the heck out of the puck. Whew! The best part, though, was just having a time to hang out with my brothers again. They are both definitely great guys. I’m very fortunate to have them as brothers and now to share them both with awesome sisters-in-laws.

The wedding itself went well. All the groomsmen had a pretty difficult time containing our laughter as David struggled to maintain his posture as two flies decided to walk all over his face for most of the ceremony. It didn’t help that he was sweating like a fountian, either! But other than that, it all went as planned. Hiding Noah in the back of their get-away car was definitely pretty funny. :D David and Adrienne got half-way down the camp road to the main street and had to turn around and come back when little Noah pops out of his hiding place in their back-seat and surprises them! Pretty funny. I’ll have my pictures of the wedding up on our family site sometime soon, but in the meantime, here are two previews:

David and Adrienne Schmoyer

David and Adrienne feeding each other the wedding cake

The other highlight was actually seeing Maggie pregnant. She’s like 7 months along, so I’ve heard a lot about it but never had an opportunity to actually pat the belly myself. I’m looking forward to flying home this September to finally introduce myself to my new nephew/neice.

Welcome to the family, Adrienne! :-D

Posted on July 4, 2005

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