
Common mistakes youth workers make [podcast]

LIVE Youth Ministry TalkWe all make mistakes and sometimes we even make the same mistake multiple times. In this discussion we talk about what common mistakes that we’ve made and try to learn from each other so that we don’t make them again. We also discuss how to appropriately clean up the mess from our mistakes.

Some of the mistakes we discussed are:

  • You think like you know everything when you get started.
  • Loner mentality. I can do this one my own.
  • “My ministry, my church, my kids.”
  • Is last-minute lesson prep a mistake or a personality thing?
  • Being discontent with the small number of kids that show up
  • “You can tell me anything you want confidentially.”
  • Becoming too comfortable with your ministry and not evaluating it
  • Trying to be like the kids in order to be “relatable.”
  • Not investing into your relationship with your senor pastor

You can listen to the discussion below or grab it in iTunes.

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Posted on May 14, 2011

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