
Camp vs Missions Trip vs Conference vs Retreat [podcast]

LIVE Youth Ministry TalkThis was one of those discussions that left me feeling frustrated by not having answers, but relieved that the issues aren’t quite as clear as they may seem at first. It definitely prompted a lot of good questions, value systems, and perspectives that I’ve been thinking through all week long.

This is definitely a must-hear discussion for all youth workers.

If you could only take your group on one trip this summer, would it be to camp with other youth groups, a missions trip, a big student conference, or a small retreat with only your group? And why would you do that? Is one have more value than another? Is one more biblical than another?

Panel members for this show:

Some of the things we talked about:

  • Does one event have more value than another?
  • Is missions more biblical than the others?
  • How do you decide which is right for your group?
  • Do all of these events feed consumerism?
  • Which leads to the most life-change?
  • And a lot more…

NOTE: The audio quality is poor at first, but it gets better after about 2 minutes.

You can listen to the whole conversation below or grab it in iTunes.

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Posted on June 19, 2010

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