

“Life In Student Ministry” from YS/Zondervan

In March 2011 Youth Specialties/Zondervan released my first book, titled, “Life In Student Ministry: Practical conversations on thriving in youth ministry.” It is based on much of the content that’s published here at but with a more conversational twist.

Here are the past updates on the status of the book:

2/15/11 – Promo video for the book!

2/14/11 – An actual physical copy of the book!

10/25/10 – Round 2: Vote for the LISM book cover

10/18/10 – Sending out my book for endorsements

9/23/10 – Vote on the book’s cover

9/3/10 – Update and feelings about the new book

8/22/10 – The book’s first round of edits

3/5/10 – My book is done and sent to Zondervan!

2/20/10 – Mail from Zondervan when you publish a book

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