
The best thing you can do for families in your ministry

Parents pray togetherIf you follow me on Twitter or are a fan of the Life In Student Ministry Facebook page, you’ve probably seen that I’m working on a book to be published by Group Publishing.

I wrote this in it today and would love your feedback about it.

“Among Christians, the divorce rate is similar to that of unbelievers: fifty-three percent. However, according to David and Jan Stoop in their book, ‘When Couples Pray Together,’ for parents who share intimate prayer requests and pray together twice a week, that statistic drops to less than one percent. The best thing you can do for teens and families in your ministry is to help parents pray together.”

Do you agree? Disagree? What ideas do you have for helping parents form a habit of sharing intimate prayer requests and praying together regularly? Would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below. Thanks!

P.S. I posed this same question on Facebook, if you want to see some of the great responses there already, too.

Posted on September 29, 2011

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