
Become a Facebook fan of Life in Student Ministry

I lost track of how many times I wanted to send you guys a quick little message or a time-sensitive resource link without having to make a whole new blog post about it. When I have a quick question and want feedback about something, it’s not practical to spam the Inbox of the several hundred email subscribers. It feels limiting that the only form of interaction we have is through email and the comments here on the site.

So, I created a Facebook page for Life in Student Ministry that will allow us all to interact with each other more efficiently. Become a fan by clicking this link to our page on Facebook. I’ll be keeping it updated with various youth ministry videos from around the web that I don’t usually post here, so if you’re looking for youth ministry related video clips, keep your eye on the Life in Student Ministry Facebook page.

Posted on February 20, 2008

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Focused Youth Ministry ebook

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Focused Youth Ministry

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