
Barriers to a healthy youth ministry (part 1 of 3)

youth ministry growth barriersThis will be a three post series in which we explore together the barriers in youth ministry.

What barriers are you facing in your ministry right now? What’s the one thing that’s holding back the youth ministry you lead that if it changed, the ministry would tip toward health?

Maybe find a scrap piece of paper and a pen and scratch out some of the things that come to mind. I’ll wait, go ahead.

Seriously. I’ll wait.

Ok. All the stuff you scrawled onto the page, circle the one, the big one, the key issue.

What is it? What did you write? Are you brave/crazy enough to toss it into the comments below?

This isn’t a set up.

Didn’t write anything? I understand. Really, I do. I won’t take it personally. But I am for you and would love to go on a journey (a three post journey) with you.

Once you’ve posted your thoughts, it’s cool to read the others, but don’t peek. This isn’t a test. Your answers are your answers.

Posted on August 11, 2011

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