
Assessment questions for your team’s communication [Links ‘n Vids]

Links 'n VidsI’ve been saving up some of these for a while as I come across them on the web, so it’s probably about time I share them before it’s all old news.

Here are some of the blog posts and videos that stood out to me lately. Also, below are the four latest questions asked by youth workers at If you have any input for them, please post your response to their question on the site.

Blogs and Articles


  • Reporter has scary moment – If the trust fall is getting kinda lame, consider this tactic for building trust with your youth group kids! lol
  • Jonah & Bob: A sticky faith story – Great youth ministry story! Watch this especially if you need some encouragement.
  • How to stretch money further in college – Every week I talk with teens, youth leaders, parents, and adults to create a video answering a question on YouTube that’s asked by one of the teen viewers. Here’s one of my recent videos answering a teen’s question about being poor in college. RoundUp

Posted on August 25, 2011

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