
Answering the three most common excuses when recruiting

Topic / Volunteers

Volunteer recruitmentMy youth group volunteers and myself are getting ready to go into a recruiting phase. Our current ratio of leaders to students is about 1 to 10, which is obviously way too high. I will never send out a plea for help because then I almost have to take whoever responds. Instead, we’ll recruit by approaching individuals we know possess the qualities we’re looking for in adult roll models and will ask them to consider joining us. This often is initially met with several excuses. These are the top three I’ve encountered and ideas for how to respond to them:

1. “I just don’t have the time.”
People make time for those things they count as important. Share the importance of leadership in the body of Christ. Cast a vision for life change that can occur in students as they rise to the occasion and accept the privilege of leading a group with you.

2. “I don’t have the gift of leadership.”
Encourage people by reminding them that leadership is mostly character. It takes time to develop character and skills. If you believe an adult has the basic character qualities of a potential leader, remind them that you will make sure they get the appropriate training they need to be effective (but only say that if you will really follow-through with it).

3. “I’m not the leadership type.”
At this point you need to simply explore what the person means by “leadership type.” Perhaps they have a definition of leadership that is not biblical. Perhaps they view a leader as someone who is in charge and in control, as opposed to someone who can facilitate life change by caring for, shepherding, discipling, and loving others.

Posted on May 3, 2007

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