
Advice for non-administrative youth workers [video]

Topic / Videos

Not every youth pastor is an administrative genius. In fact, most of us go into ministry because we love working with teenagers and their families, but then we get stuck behind a desk putting events together, planning meetings, attending other people’s meetings, keeping up with phone calls and email, and more. It’s a necessary part of the job that will determine a lot of how others view your ministry. But what if you’re just not a great administrator? Then what?

While at the D6 Conference a few weeks ago, I sat down with Jonathan Cliff, the Next Generations Pastor at Trinity Church in Lubbock, Texas. As a guy who thrives in administrative environments and has worked with several youth pastors who don’t, he shared some advice for how those youth pastors can begin to thrive in those areas. Watch our video to hear his advice.

You can check out Jonathan’s blog at or follow him on Twitter.

Posted on October 4, 2011

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