A new youth ministry twist on YouTube
Last week I wrote about how teens think of online video differently than adults do, which stirred a lot of great discussion.
Ironically, upon a closer review of my YouTube stats, my personal vlog YouTube channel is quickly approaching stats that are similar to this site, Life In Student Ministry. It confirms for me that the video platform is worth investing into. So I did.
Over the weekend I built a new website and created dedicated social media accounts for what I’m calling “Schmovies.” I’m still not exactly sure what my niche in the online video space will look like, but if you feel like following along in my personal life, my Q&A videos, and other random clips I create, there are a number of ways to do so.
- Website: godrox.tv
- YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/godrox
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/godrox
- Twitter: @godroxtv
- Dailybooth: www.dailybooth.com/timschmoyer
What’s intriguing to me is that the audience that’s developing for my videos on YouTube is completely different than what’s here at Life In Student Ministry (hence the separate website and social media accounts). The demographic is largely 13-17 years olds (followed by 45-54 years olds oddly) and most of them are presumably not believers.
I’m thinking about this a lot: how can I effectively share my faith with these people in an effective and engaging way on YouTube? More than 1,000 of them are regularly giving me their time and attention, and that number is growing every day. How do I best bring honor and glory to God through it in a way that builds respect and trust for Him among the teens who are watching?
I’m not sure what that will look like yet, but I think it starts just like any normal youth ministry — build relationships with the people first. That’s where I’m starting with this YouTube audience anyway. Hopefully I’ll figure out the rest as I go.
The Lord is definitely presenting me with a different twist on traditional youth ministry here. Oh the YouTube stories that Dana and I could share about just the past couple weeks… Hmm…
Posted on January 26, 2011