
A free 4-week youth group series for jr. high [Freebie Friday]

Free youth ministry resources every FridayOur Weekly Freebie Friday: #287

Three youth workers collaborated together to create this 4-week youth group lesson series for jr. high students titled, “Once Upon A Time.” It’s a teaching series based 4 key passages in Genesis: Creation, The Fall, The Flood, and The Call of Abraham.

The series covers a lot of great applications points for jr. high students, but overall it asks how the story of our lives integrates with the story God’s telling through these four major stories.

The series kit is 36 pages long and includes:

  • Suggested teaching manuscripts
  • Small Group Questions
  • Drama Scripts

Thanks to the creators of this youth group lesson series for contributing it to Freebie Friday to bless you and your ministry!

If you have a downloadable youth ministry resource you’ve created, consider blessing a few thousand other youth workers and youth groups by sending it to me for a future Freebie Friday! Thanks!

LinkDownload the, “Once Upon A Time,” series

Posted on June 29, 2012

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