
Unleashing your youth group for the gospel [podcast]

LIVE Youth Ministry TalkLast week’s LIVE YM Talk with a very helpful and insightful one for those of us on the call. Greg Stier of Dare2Share Ministries joined us and together we all talked about evangelism, youth ministry, and how to integrate evangelism as the core of our youth group. We also talked about Dare2Share’s Untour that’s currently going on in cities around the country and how they’re training both students and youth leaders to really see exponential spiritual and numerical growth in their youth ministries.

Some of the highlights we discussed:

  • Where do most youth groups go wrong when thinking about outreach and evangelism?
  • What are the common elements you see in youth groups who are truly living THE Cause?
  • It sounds like evangelism should be the focus of our ministries and discipleship should flow from that. How does that work?
  • What are the best training methods and resources you’ve seen for teaching our kids how to share their faith?

You can listen to the discussion below or grab it in iTunes.

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Posted on February 12, 2011

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