
Can a youth worker effectively serve teens in a multi-role position? [podcast]

Topic / Podcasts

LIVE Youth Ministry TalkThere are many youth workers who do not serve full-time for only youth ministry. Some are the “Minister of Music, Youth, Children and College.” How does this impact the youth ministry of the church? How does this impact the minister serving in that role?

Some questions we discussed in this show

  • What does it take to be a youth leader with multiple roles in the church?
  • How do you balance everything?
  • 5 essentials for any multi-role youth pastor
  • Giftedness of a multi-role church leader

Panel members from this show

  • Patti Gibbons (youth worker, author)
  • John Potts (Minister of Music, Youth, and Children)
  • Nick Church (Youth pastor, school teacher, coach)
  • Tim Schmoyer (youth pastor, blogger here at LISM)

You can listen to the discussion below or grab it in iTunes.

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Posted on July 12, 2010

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