
Best advice and worst advice in youth ministry [podcast]

Topic / Podcasts

LIVE Youth Ministry TalkThis was the first LIVE YM Talk where I was not present. I was on vacation in Texas, so Tony Myles graciously stepped up and hosted the show instead. It’s really fun to listen to someone else facilitate the discussion besides me!

The show covered everything from advice we’ve followed in ministry and personal life to the really bad advice we’ve often heard. They also touched on what it means to have a Sabbath in a way that makes sense to your life, dynamics of staff relationships, how we talk about other people, whether it’s more important to be professional or relational, and parenting when you’re in ministry.

Panel members for this show:

  • Dave (Calvary Chapel Florida)
  • Todd Perkins (Youth Pastor at Discovery Church in Orlando)
  • Jillianne Davis (Christian Ed & Youth Ministry)
  • Brandon Benfield (New to ministry with college students)
  • Tony Myles (Lead pastor, Coach to Youth Pastors)

You can listen to the whole conversation below or grab it in iTunes.

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Posted on June 26, 2010

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