
5 advantages of a large youth group

Advantages of a large youth groupWhether you’re in a small church, a mid-size church, or a large church, there are unique challenges and opportunities in each.

Just as there are several advantages of having a small youth group, large groups have some advantages, also.

If you’re in a large youth group, learn to capitalize on these advantages.

1. More resources at your disposal. That often includes man-power, facility use, budget, and more.

2. Diverse giftedness. The group is more likely to have many different spiritual gifts, talents and abilities represented that can be utilized in the ministry to bring honor to God and to edify the body.

3. Buzz spreads about your ministry. With more people comes more mouths talking about it, which means more people hear about your ministry and what’s going on. Give them something positive to share because that also means that negative buzz spreads just as quickly.

4. Multiple staff members for quick advice. At least this is true for me. I love working in an office surrounded by multiple pastors, administrative assistants and staff members because I have instant access to have questions answered and get quick input on ideas and thoughts.

5. Large gatherings of people tend to generate excitement. There’s a feeling of anticipation among participants. People gather because they share something in common, whether it be at a basketball game, the school play or at church. People enjoy having a shared experience together with other people, even people they don’t know.

Question: What other advantages does a large youth group have? The comments below are open for discussion.

Posted on June 23, 2010

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