
Great links to check out (vol 7)

Seventeen to promote “Body Peace”
Looks like Seventeen Magazine is teaming up with Dove’s Campaign for Beauty. I agree with the author’s skepticism about the celebrities who are joining the effort.

Breaking more ice – 10 more icebreakers for small groups
Balloon Bonanza — a themed youth evening of icebreakers, games and talk!

Two more great posts from Grahame Knox containing lots of ideas for youth group ice breakers.

100 (legal) sources for free stock images
If you’re looking for some free places to get legal stock images for designing youth group stuff, check out this list. (ht Chris)

Youth Ministry Tip #12: Frustration Avoidance
Why kids break rules at youth group and how to respond to them.

Amazingly supportive church = growing youth group
Maybe this is one of the secrets to a growing youth group. Last month I posted how the numerical growth of my group is out of control and I concur that my church is amazingly supportive of its youth ministry.

Relational Student Ministry
Some great practical tips for building a relational youth ministry.

My top youth ministry movies
Looking for a good movie to watch with your students? Joel Mayward suggests a couple and how you can use them in ministry.

The Best 80 Photoshop Text Effects on the Web
A compilation of Photoshop tutorials around the Internet for creating great-looking text effects. Perfect for youth group fliers, banners, handouts, graphics, etc.

Posted on October 16, 2007

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