
Some of my favorite blogs

A+With almost 100 blogs in my RSS reader, I skim through a lot of material on a regular basis. All of it is good stuff, which is why I subscribed to the sites in the first place, but a couple blogs are consistently great and noteworthy. Check the blogroll link on my site for a list of some of the blogs I subscribe to. Here’s a couple key ones you should check out:

College Transition Initiative
Derek focuses on the critical transition period between high school and college. It’s not updated very often, but it’s worth reading when it is.

Anastasia’s blog is not from a Christian perspective, but she does a great job at keeping her thumb on the latest in teen marketing and trends. A must-read for any youth worker.

Nigel is a UK youth worker who tends to focus on equipping and resourcing other youth workers. He also tends to add new content only a couple times a month, but it’s worthwhile when he does. :: swerve
Craig and Bobby post some of the most thought-provoking and challenging posts concerning church ministry in general. And they’re always very concise and straight to the point.

There’s definitely nothing spiritual about Lifehacker, but the technology tips and how-tos help resource me to use technology to my advantage in ministry (and just for fun!).

From My Heart to Yours
A shameless plug for my dad here, Jerry Schmoyer. He writes short devotional thoughts almost every day or two, usually based on what God’s is doing in his own life. A great way to help get your day started.

I like to keep up with some of the WordPress designs going around and get ideas for how to improve my own site based on what’s new.

Posted on September 30, 2007

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