
How to get an Xbox 360 Elite for free

How to get an Xbox 360 Elite for freeUPDATE: My free Xbox 360 Elite, game of my choice and a 12 month subscription to Xbox Live is here! Check it out!

I’ve been wanting an Xbox 360 for a long time, but no matter how hard I try I know it will never fit into our budget. Of course, it doesn’t help that I watch Halo 3 trailers and read release notes that make my mouth water. It’s really just plain torture. So, I decided to give MacroBucks a try. Basically, you sign up for a service, fulfill a requirement and get a couple other people to do the same thing and they thank you with a free Xbox 360 Elite (the Elite is the latest upgraded version of the typical Xbox 360 Premium).

Normally I’m very skeptical of these kinds of giveaways because there always seems to be a catch hidden in the Terms of Service that makes the whole thing either illegitimate or totally not worth my time, but I’ve seen mentioned on other sites that I trust, I’ve read some positive reviews on blogs, seen lots of forum posts and even read the entire Terms of Service agreement. This is the real deal. All I need are a couple other people who want an Xbox 360 Elite for free, too!

It’s pretty easy to do. It probably takes about 10 minutes to setup. Click on the link below, register, pick an account type (referral is the easiest) and complete just 1 or 2 offers. This is not like other sites where you need to complete one offer on 2 or 3 different pages. And a lot of these offers are free trials with nothing else to buy and no commitments!

There are plenty of cool offers to choose from, such as Blockbuster online,, Netflix and Gamefly, services you might regularly sign up for anyway. I’m doing the 30 day free trial since I’m selling a lot of stuff on ebay and will be mailing it all within the next couple of days anyway. There’s no commitment or obligation, so I’ll cancel the order when I’m done with it. Another good offer is renting DVDs through Blockbuster online (it’ll cost ya $9.95 to try it).

After signing up and completing your one offer, simply refer 8-13 people (depending on the free prize you choose) to do the same under your link. Then they will ship your 360 Elite or your selected item for free.

Step 1: Click on this link: —

Step 2: Sign up and create an account.

Step 3: Complete 1 or 2 trial offers (like Blockbuster or Netflix) to reach 1.0 credit and refer at least 6 people to do the same.

Step 4: Receive your Xbox 360 Elite for FREE!

Here’s a news report and also another one on YouTube that explain how all this works and proves that it is indeed legit.

Anyone wanna help me and work towards their own free Xbox 360 Elite?

Posted on August 30, 2007

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