
People who are looking for your advice on

MinistryQuestions.comYesterday I released the first Newsletter, which you can see here. This first edition mostly highlights some recent questions on the site as well as the latest feature we added that allows users to attach links and hyperlinked text to the end of their answers.

You can sign up for the newsletter simply by creating an account at

Here are some recent questions that we all would love to hear your input on:

Volunteer Appreciation

User profile pictureby Josh Knierim: What are some of the ways that you show appreciation to your volunteers? We don’t have a huge budget, but I really want our people to know that they are extremely important to us. What has worked for you? What has not worked? [answer question]

How do you know which church God wants you to be in?

User profile pictureby Matilda: We are trying to find a home church. I have prayed daily for the Lord to show me which one (out of 2) He wants us to be planted in. Just when I think He has sent an answer, something else happens from the other one, which leads me to believe it is that one. Really confused at the moment. I know how incredibly important it is to be in the right church that God wants us to be in, but how do you know for sure? Has anyone gone through this, deciding between 2 churches and can offer any helpful advice? One church is a very, very big one with thousands of people. The other is a small church with only around 150 people. Both seem totally on fire for God with great leadership. If anyone can offer advice from their own experience, great!!! [answer question]

Need church website solution

User profile pictureby Steve Cullum: So, we are currently in the in process of seeking out a new website for our church. We currently use churchsites, and have for the past 6-7 years, ever since the church started, I believe. We want something newer, better looking, and easy to use (user & administrator). So, my question is what do you suggest? On a side note, I am fairly pleased with our Student Ministries site using WordPress, but if you have suggestions for that, feel free to share. What we’re mainly looking for is a new church website that will be very informative, easy to use, will draw people in, and will be a tool to reach people online. [answer question]

Recommend a good training book for volunteer leaders?

User profile pictureby Btrav: I am interested in going through a good ministry training book with my volunteer leaders. The volunteers are mainly small group leaders, but the book does not necessarily have to be specific to small groups. [answer question]

What role do Youth Leaders play in evangelism?

User profile pictureby Steve Cullum: So, we are about to make a BIG “evangelism” and inviting push in our Student Ministries this year. I want to make sure the students know how to reach out to their friends AND invite them to church. However, I am unsure about what role our adult Youth Leaders play in this…other than being ready to greet them and teach them when they do come. Should they do their own “evangelizing”? If so, how do they do that w/o being the creepy guy/lady who hangs out at all the teen places and asks kids to come to church? I’m hoping to spend part of our next Youth Leaders meeting training on this. [answer question]

Posted on August 25, 2009

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