
10 things that should be banned from youth ministry

I was thinking about this earlier and thought it might be fun to come up with a list of things that should be banned from youth ministry.

Sweatpants with words written across the butt

  1. Sweatpants with words written across the butt.
  2. Gossip and rumors.
  3. Farts during a serious lesson (both loud and silent!).
  4. Lock-ins.
  5. Random donations that make my office look like a thrift shop.
  6. Fundraisers.
  7. P.D.A.
  8. Mountain Dew and red Kool-aid for Jr. Highers.
  9. “We’ve always done it this way…”
  10. Smelly broken couches from the ’60s.

What other ideas do you have to add to this list? :)

Posted on April 6, 2007

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