
We are officially welcomed into our new church

Last Sunday night our new church held a welcome party for me and Dana. The full photo album of this event can be seen here, but here are a couple pictures to summarize the evening.

Started off with dinner. Man, so much good food.

The desert table
Dana’s checking out the desert table operated by a couple students.

Students preparing to lead worship
Several students teamed up together to lead a couple worship songs. They did a great job, too!

Pastor Rol and Joyce leading a funny Texas song
The Sr. Pastor re-wrote the lyrics to the song, “Deep in the heart of Texas,” and had my former pastor from Texas and his wife lead it.

Text messaging competition
Then we had a head-to-head text messaging competition. Looks like I have the fastest thumbs this side of the Missisip (thanks to Verizon’s T9 text-entry method)!

A FUNNY STORY HERE: I also had to identify several text message abbreviations, such as LOL and G2G, that our pastor got off some website somewhere. Well, POS came up and I was like, “Uhhh, you really want me to identify that one?” Several students in the audience started laughing so hard they could hardly contain themselves, which confused our pastor and the adults. Apparently this website said that it meant “Parent Over Shoulder,” so I just played along with that. Monday morning I told him what POS really stands for and why it made the kids laugh so hard, to which he started laughing hysterically, too! Ahhh, good ol’ innocent church bloopers.

BBQ tasting contest
They tested our our Texas BBQ sauce tasting skills by having us identify which sauce was which. Alas, Dana is clearly the true Texan.

Sharing my testimony
Story time with Tim! I shared a brief version of my testimony and life story.

Praying for me and Dana
Before closing several youth volunteers came up and prayed for us as we begin in our new ministry.

In front of our welcome sign
Me and Dana front of our welcome sign.

Posted on March 20, 2007

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