
Great youth ministry questions at

Ministry QuestionsEleven weeks ago I launched to the public. Thanks to a lot of word-of-mouth and social networking, it launched with 30,000 visitors in the very first week! Not bad for not spending a dime on marketing. Thank you all!

I love the community that has surrounded the site! It’s such a wide variety of men and women who are serving in the trenches, encouraging each other, supporting each other, and investing into each other’s ministries. It’s already been an invaluable resource to me as I am challenged by other people’s challenges and forced to think through ministry scenarios I never considered before. And the longer time goes on, the more it grows into an incredible bank of collective wisdom and experiences.

Here are some great questions to check out. Some of these questions are resolved or closed, meaning the question is no longer open to new answers, but some of them are still open for your input.

Here’s my own latest question: How do you help jr. highers transition into high school ministry?

Here’s a couple interesting debates, too.

Stop by and ask your questions, give your input, and bless others as they bless you.

Posted on April 27, 2009

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