Subscribe is up again

Whew, it’s like 4:15 AM and I need to go to bed. Just spent the past many hours rebuilding our family website. It’s not quite complete — still gotta add the archived blogs from our former site back into this one — but it’s good enough for now. I’ll get those up later.

I’ve posted all my pictures from David’s wedding, so feel free to take a look. Just click on the Photos link in the menu above.

I’ve decided it’s time to change all my passwords again, too. I’ve had the same ones for years now, so it’s about time I upgrade them all too higher security and to something tougher to crack. KeePass seems to be an excellent way to go. I highly recommend checking it out! I plan to just keep it on my pendrive and have it with me wherever I am. You can never be too careful with having several different good passwords now.

I’m off to bed. I’m tired. Goodnight.

Posted on July 7, 2005

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