Today I read Marko’s post about feeling kinda weird after being recognized in Starbucks by a random youth pastor. It brought to memory a time several years ago when I was at the YS National Youth Worker’s Convention in Atlanta. A random lady, in a VERY crowded elevator, asked me about my Nashville tee-shirt. I told her I worked for a youth ministry there, she asked which one, I said, “ZJam Youth Ministries,” and she exclaimed, “You mean the one with Bill Scott?!!” I said yes and she started telling me how much she loves the radio show. Then she asked me what I did for ZJam and after I told her I authored the online NeXT STeP Bible Studies, she just freaked out. I was seriously ready for that elevator to reach a destination because I was feeling pretty uncomfortable along with everyone else in there, I’m sure. She asked, “Are you Tim Schmoyer?!!” and when I told her I was, she got even more excited and told me how much she loved the Bible studies I wrote and how her youth group uses them as their weekly curriculum. Thankfully the elevator stopped and I just pretended that it was my floor and got off. It was seriously weird. I took the stairs the rest of the way.
Posted on August 4, 2006