
What’s going to happen to LISM now?

Topic / Blogging

Life In Student MinistryIn case you missed it, last Tuesday I announced that I accepted a position at Epipheo Studios and will be moving to Cincinnati after we finish up some other travel plans. Then yesterday I shared a bit about why I didn’t go back into a church ministry position.

The question going through my mind now is, “So what’s going to happen to Life In Student Ministry now that I’m not officially in full-time vocational church youth ministry?”

LISM continues to grow!

Throughout this entire past year of not working in a paid church position LISM has continued to grow, perhaps more than any other year! My heart and passion for teenagers and their families hasn’t changed. I plan to continue writing about my experiences in youth ministry, especially from a family ministry perspective and from a volunteer perspective who knows what it’s like on the other side of youth ministry as a paid leader.

However, I may give myself the freedom to let certain features, like Freebie Friday, not be as consistent every week so I can free myself up to have the time to write and process other youth ministry content. Although, missing a week of Freebie Friday at this point would be a real shame since I haven’t missed a Friday in over 5 years! Hmm… Yeah, that would be a shame. How about this: if you have a youth ministry resource you created that you’d be willing to contribue as a free download for several thousand other youth workers to use, please feel free to pass it along! You’ll get full credit and a link, of course. That will definitely make it easier to keep Freebie Friday going. (Tracking down a new free resource every week takes more time than you might think.)

I really love the community of youth workers here! The amazing dialog we have here is so helpful to me in my own approach to youth ministry, so I look forward to our on-going discussions about creating spiritually influential ministries for teens and their families. You guys keep me on my toes! I love it!

And comes back to life!

Because I need a personal outlet to process other stuff I’m thinking, I decided to resurrect for personal blogging as I work with online video, social media, and Truth at Epipheo Studios. I’ve dubbed it,

“The intersection of Truth, storytelling, online video, social media, marketing, and technology.”

Yeah, that’s a lot of intersections, I know.

If you’re interested in following along at as I continue to learn how to use the web and online video to change people’s lives, subscribe to the RSS feed or subscribe to the site’s email list.

LinkVisit the resurrected blog,!

Posted on February 9, 2012

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