
Free church postcards, logos, slides, and more! [Freebie Friday]

Free youth ministry resources every FridayOur Weekly Freebie Friday: #263

As a youth worker, you probably spend a fair amount of time trying to design websites, flyers, logos, handouts, PowerPoint slides, emails, postcards, and everything the rest of the church staff throws at you as the “computer guy” or “computer girl.” What everyone else doesn’t know is that we actually aren’t really that great with designing stuff, we just know where to get the good stuff online to customize.

One of those sites you can add to your arsenal if it isn’t already a part of it is CreationSwap. There’s a lot of freelance artists and church designers who publish their content there for free for anyone to download and use in their ministry. This includes:

  • Photos
  • Slides
  • Postcards
  • Bulletins
  • Banners
  • Invitation Cards
  • Logos
  • Vector Art
  • and more!

CreationSwap also offers some paid services, too, if you want the creator to customize a design for you. Soon you’ll also be able to order professional prints of postcards and such. Watch this video to learn more about how CreationSwap works.

If you want to look like a design whizz without any of the training, check out CreationSwap for a ton of free graphical goodness!


Posted on January 13, 2012

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