
Freebie Friday #89: Guide for students who are exploring full-time ministry

Free youth ministry resources every FridayBack in July I featured Steve Quatro in our LIVE Youth Ministry Conversation where he gave us ideas for encouraging teenagers to consider ministry as a full-time career. He gave lots of insights about the need for this generation to start becoming pastors, especially before the baby boomer generation retires and leaves a lot of holes in our churches. Listen to that conversation here.

As the director of the Kern Center for Vocational Ministry, Steve has been working hard to put together a Biblical study designed to help high school or young college students who are exploring a call to vocational ministry.

This study is a self discovery tool that will help students better discern and clarify a sense of calling into vocational pastoral ministry. The study consists of six sessions, which can be completed either individually or in conjunction with a mentor, although the latter is highly recommended over the former.

The 6 sessions answer these questions:

  • Session 1: Do I Have A Foundation?
  • Session 2: Can I See The Need?
  • Session 3: How Has God Gifted Me?
  • Session 4: How Has God Prepared Me?
  • Session 5: Do I Sense God’s Calling?
  • Session 6: Will I Take The Next Step?

Each session includes a lot of scripture, teaches principles found therein, asks self-evaluative questions, and helps the reader reach conclusions regarding the session’s topic.

Thankfully, Steve is willing to send the PDF free of charge to any pastors who need it. He only asks two things:

  • That you have at least one student in mind who you think may be considering pastoral ministry as a vocation.
  • That you or the student give him feedback on the guide when you are done.

If you meet these two requests, email Steve at and simply ask for the “Who’s Calling You?” guide. He’ll gladly send it your way.

Join our LIVE Youth Ministry Conversation today at 2:00 PM EST! The topic is, “Evaluating the spiritual depth of our youth ministries.” Of course, we also want to discuss your questions and any advice or ideas you need from other youth workers. Join us using either your telephone or your computer microphone.

Posted on September 5, 2008

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