
Lazer Tag for Sr. High guys

Whew! It’s 8:45 PM and I’m getting up at 4:00 AM to fly back to Texas in the morning. I’m gonna head to bed in a minute but wanted to leave a quick update here first.

This Christmas I got my little brother a set of lazer tag guns and we’ve been playing almost constantly since he opened them. They’re so much fun! My Sr. High guys talk a lot about paintball, which is unfortunately kinda expensive, especially since I don’t have any of the equipment. These lazer tag guns, though, seem like the perfect alternative. It’s a one-time expense (cheapest at Toys R Us), there’s no mess involved, and we can play as long as we want within the confines of the church building. At first I was kinda skeptical of the product’s quality, but their performance is half-decent. I don’t think I’m gonna be able to swing the youth budget for any of these, but maybe I can convince my guys to fork over the cash for a couple sets for a night of hide and seek, hunt the prey, own the zone, and other fun lazer tag games.

Posted on December 27, 2005

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