Every month we do a LIVE YM Talk show of recent questions that have been posted to MinistryQuestions.com by ministry workers all over the country. Together we discuss the questions, the issues involved, and give the best feedback we can. If you have questions, need advice, would like a recommendation or anything else for something in your ministry, check out MinistryQuestions.com and ask!
Here are the questions we addressed on this week’s LIVE YM Talk show:
- How do you respond when a student buys a condom?
- Break for the summer: Pros and Cons
- How do you help break down division in the youth group?
- Having a hard time with youth floating around and leaving
- How do you handle situations when parents can’t/won’t pay for trips when you feel they’re being irresponsible financially?
- What kind of music do you crank in the church van?
- Creative ideas for separate high school/middle school time
- Anyone have any outreach ideas?
You can listen to the discussion below or grab it in iTunes.

Posted on July 26, 2011